
The Lifelong Learning Center (K.E.DI.VI.M.) of the University of West Attica (UNIWA) is a unit of the Institution that ensures the coordination and interdisciplinary collaboration in the development of training, continuing education, and lifelong learning programs. The provision of each training, continuing education, or lifelong learning program, whether in-person or remotely, i.e., beyond the first, second, and third cycle studies, is exclusively offered through K.E.DI.VI.M.


The main activity areas of the Center include:

  • Organizing and conducting high-level training, continuing education, and lifelong learning programs.
  • Developing distance (electronic) training and education programs.
  • Designing and producing high-quality electronic training materials.
  • Conducting research and participating in research and development projects in the field of lifelong learning.
  • Developing synergies with society, scientific and professional organizations in the fields of its activities.
  • Entering into programmatic agreements with local government organizations, educational institutions, recognized public and private lifelong learning entities, professional and social organizations, as well as other reputable organizations.


All activities of K.E.DI.VI.M. are subject to national and European management and transparency rules, as defined each time. In addition, the Center promotes:

  • Providing access opportunities for all to lifelong learning, among others, through targeted special actions for additional education or the updating of knowledge and skills for disadvantaged citizens and migrants as a means of facilitating their social integration.
  • Cultivating environmental awareness.
  • The necessity of research, especially applied research, as an element of development.
  • Promoting the use of information systems and new technologies.
  • Fostering innovation and entrepreneurship spirit, as well as the development of the Social Economy.
  • Extroversion as a means for transferring know-how and technology, and as a way to achieve development.