Programme information


50 Hours
 6 hours online
 44 hours on-site


Applications deadline:


Courses start date:


Courses end date:






Blended learning


Program leads to a Training Certificate

Contact details:
    Email:   Phone:  210 538 1143  



EDM Presentation


Brief description of the Lifelong Learning Programme and objectives


The EDM Summer School is a programme aimed at international students who study subjects or have an interest in engineering. Nowadays, opening up to foreign countries and learners from other cultures remains more than ever a key parameter for human-centered training and education.

The entire programme will be conducted in English. It is 50 hours long, and it is organised in a mixed-hybrid system of knowledge dissemination. The first part, pre-course, will be run remotely and includes 2 hours on the course structure and details, as well as 4 hours of distance learning of Greek culture. The second part will take place at the premises of the University of West Attica, at the Ancient Olive Grove Campus in Athens (on-site) and will include teaching of 3 engineering modules, as well as educational visits to cultural sites and monuments in and outside Attica, as well as a visit to a manufacturing plant.


It covers engineering topics on 3D design, drawing models, 3D printing, technology of metal materials and their mechanical properties, artificial intelligence prediction models in engineering applications, and studying the design and manufacture of an experimental racing car that the University of West Attica students have built. The courses offered to the foreign students, are of 4 scientific fields as below: 



The summer school follows the principles of human-centered training programmes.




Learning outcomes


After the completion of the Programme the trainee will have gained knowledge, developed skills and competences as described below:

a) Knowledge

  • The trainees become familiar with concepts and terminology in English of Modelling of objects, from design to 3D printing
  • They will gain knowledge regarding the methodologies of design in a CAD environment.
  • They will identify metal materials for specific engineering applications
  • They will learn about Ancient Greek culture through lectures and cultural visits


b) Skills

  • Trainees will acquire skills in the field of design through practical exercises. These exercices will be in our laboratories of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. These design skills are required in the labour market nowadays.


Upon completion of the programme they will be able to:

  • Apply modern methods and techniques of design and modelling, 3D printing, identification and characterization of metal materials and their properties.
  • Acquire skills to work in foreign language educational environments and laboratories

c) Abilities

Upon completion of the summer course programme, each trainee will be able to:

  • design an object (part)-section of an assembly with Computer Aided Design software
  • control design according to specific specifications, and to identify the necessary 3D printing parameters
  • search, analyze and synthesize data and information, using the technologies necessary to manufacture a component
  • identify mechanical properties of metals using widespread methodologies
  • combine theoretical knowledge with practical know-how.




Training and teaching methods


The programme has a duration of 3 weeks and includes 50 hours of training.  It is blended learning environment and is based on a combination of blended learning:

– 6 hours (12%) of distance modern courses via the Voov meeting platform,

– 44 hours (88%) of face-to-face training with a theoretical part as well as experiments and laboratory exercises.

Trainees will be taught in English the necessary knowledge with the appropriate theoretical background required to complete the laboratory exercises.  In this way they will be able to assimilate the new knowledge and continue to practice individually, with asynchronous guidance of experienced instructors.







The Greek Embassy in China on the summer school we organised at the University of West Attica for Chinese undegraduate students from Northwestern Polytechnical University

The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of West Attica University in Greece held the 2024 Summer School of Engineering Design and Materials (EDM/Engineering Design and Materials) in Athens in July. The first Summer School of Engineering Design and Materials came to the Greek capital from Xi’an, China! Students from Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi’an) have the opportunity to study difficult academic courses with top experts and experience the life of local students in the ancient olive grove campus for two weeks.
During the EDM Summer School, Chinese students gain an in-depth understanding of certain fundamental design techniques that support product development. They also acquire skills in high-demand areas such as engineering design and materials.
Chinese students also visited the Athens National Archaeological Museum and the Acropolis Museum, learned about the rich ancient Greek culture, and visited the historical cities of Nafprion (Nafplion) and Epidarus (Epidaurus) ancient theaters.

Target group

The target group of the programme are adult International and Greek students, from different countries, from diverse cultural backgrounds, with relevant interests, in disciplines such as engineering, computer science, and science. The programme aims to introduce people to design and modelling, materials technology, and their applications in multiple engineering domains. In addition, the summer course programme is enriched with a component on Greek culture in order to provide the necessary link with the country of the event.



Engineering science
Computer Science
Arts and Civilization


Μη διαθέσιμο


Introduction Orientation

Engineering Design

Design and Manufacture of Racing Car

Metal Materials Technology

Greek Civilization


Dr. Achilles Vairis

Department of Mechanical Engineering


I am a faculty member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, University of West Attica (UNIWA). My research and teaching interest is on “Machine Elements and Manufacturing Technologies” which is directly related to the focus of the programme submitted, and is especially related to the curriculum of the programme submitted, in particular on mechanical design and materials technology.
I have extensive collaboration since 2010 with Northwestern Polytechnical University on materials science and technology.
The courses that I teach in the Mechanical Engineering Department are directly related to the subject matter of the program submitted (Mechanical Engineering II, Machining Technology I, and Forming Processes). My research work includes 171 publications in international scientific journals and peer-reviewed international scientific conferences in the field of the programme.



Dr. Zoe Kanetaki

Assistant Professor


I am an Assistant Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of West Attica (UNIWA).
My research and teaching interest is on “Sustainable and Hybrid methodologies for engineering CAD training with emphasis on intelligent metadata management”, which is directly related to the curriculum of the project submitted.
The courses I teach in the Department of Mechanical Engineering are directly related to the subject of the program submitted (Mechanical Design CAD I, and CAD II). In addition, I have been teaching at TEI of Piraeus since 2000 the course of electronic design for civil engineering projects. At TEI of Athens, I have taught the course of CAD computer-aided design in the Engineering and Topography departments. I have been teaching at the INEP of EKDA from 2005 to date the seminar “AutoCAD electronic design in 2 dimensions” and “AutoCAD electronic design in 3 dimensions” (more than 1500 hours of teaching).

Contact details
Phone:  210 538 1143
